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Which Smartphones apps for car management do you know?

King Belieal

There are so many smartphone apps that are used for car management. They include one that can track car health, and ones that can help you find parking spaces. Do you use any smartphone app to manage your car? Which of the smartphone apps do you use for car management?
These days there are a lot of tracker apps that helps one to track their car in case it is stolen or anything related.
I know of Drivvo. It is a smartphone app that tracks the expenses incurred in running a car. It uses data to evaluate gas usage and maintenance needs of a car.
I know of CarFax. It has all the history of a car. It is particularly essential for people that sell cars or want to buy cars. It can tell you the accident history of the car and other vital information about a car.
Car Scanner is a smartphone app that connects to a car and gives information about the engine performance. It can also be used to analyse error codes in cars.
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