location marker 20149
Ashburn - City

This Vehicle May Have Sold

The following vehicle was included in our database as being for sale but was recently removed.

Make: HONDA | Model: CIVIC | VIN: 19XFC2F8XME004189

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Model info:

The Honda Civic is a car manufactured by Honda that is available as a 2 door Coupe, a 5 door Hatchback and a 4 door Sedan. From its introduction in 1972 through 2000, the Civic was a Subcompact Car, but from 2000 to present, the Civic has been considered a Compact Car. The Honda Civic has a 5 star Overall rating from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for its sturdy and durable build. Top competitors of the Civic have been the Elantra, Corolla and Golf, all similar Compact Cars. The Honda Civic has become one of the TOP SELLING VEHICLES IN AMERICA and has won countless awards! Civic was recently named the 2022 North American Car of the Year, and is the best-selling retail passenger car in the U.S. for the sixth year in a row.

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